From Pain to Pleasure
How to take sex from being painful to being pleasurable - a self-help guide
Introduction to the course
What and Where - the pelvic floor & surrounds
Pelvic floor function, Pelvic misconceptions, daily life (clothes/hygiene etc.)
Pain in the pelvis - directed neuroplasticity (PDF - journaling guide)
What is ‘sex’
Human Sexual Response Cycles
Unique Sexuality - contributing factors (sociocultural)
Pressure and expectation - getting past it
Talking about sex - solo or partnered
Intro into assessing & treating self
Self Assessment - mind (mindfulness) & Body (postural)
Self Assessment - Vulva
Self treatment - hands off - Breath
Self treatment - hands off - Mobility
Self treatment - hands on - MFR (external)
Self treatment - hands on - MFR (internal) Digital & Dilator intro, wand intro
Progressing the Dilator Part 1 (Maintaining Control)
Progressing the Dilator Part 2 (Handing over control)
Sensate Focus education
Move together - Breath, Mobility, MFR, Resting position - A routine (Repeat/adapt)
Review - (neuroscience - integrate new info)
Alternate forms of pleasure & Body Image
Having sex - positions & mindset
Long term - possible fluctuations cause & solution
Bonus Lecture: Sex shop (where to start, can its be facilitative/therapeutic )
thank you - end
Candice's typical clients include:
Someone with an unconsummated marriage
You endure painful penetration
Accommodating penetration is difficult for you
You experience pain and that has an impact on your libido
You have a history of pelvic or sexual trauma
You experience postpartum sexual pain
You have to learn how to gradually return to sex
You are experiencing menopause related vulvovaginal pain
You experience anxiety when it comes to sex
Tools to manage pelvic and sexual pain
Refining “intimacy”
How to increase intimacy in the presence of pain
Understanding the anatomy
Everything you have to know about PAIN
Human sexual response cycles
Challenge beliefs about sex and intimacy
As far as it makes sense
Independent home management
Self assessment (with and without devices)
Progressing to intimacy
All Courses, MSH Self-Help Courses, CPD Accredited Courses
Learn about consensual touch and the value of it in creating intimacy - and get the tools to achieve it.
All Courses, MSH Self-Help Courses, CPD Accredited Courses
All Courses, CPD Accredited Courses