Course curriculum
Genitals with Lucie Fielding and Dr Elna Rudolph
Genitals with Lucie Fielding and Dr Elna Rudolph
Lucie Fielding
Lucie Fielding, PhD, MA, LMHCA, Resident in Counseling (she/they) is a queer, non-binary femme, and a therapist practicing in Virginia and Washington. She holds an MA in Counseling Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute (2018) as well as a PhD in French from Northwestern University (2008), where she specialized in erotic literature. Their background in literature attunes them to the many ways that cultural scripts inscribe themselves on our bodies and can inform our embodied erotic lives. In addition to their work as a therapist, Lucieteaches in the Sex Therapy Certificate Program at Antioch University-Seattle. They are the author of Trans Sex: Clinical Approaches to Trans Sexualities and Erotic Embodiments (2021), which was the recipient of a 2022 AASECT Book Award (for Sexuality Professionals). Trans Sex was also named a finalist for a 2022 Lambda Literary Award (Lammy) in the Transgender-Nonfiction category. You can find out more about Lucie at or follow them on Twitter (@Lucie_Fielding) and Instagram (@sexbeyondbinaries).

Some of the questions asked during the session
My friend would like to know?
- What is genital autonomy?
- I’m a trans-woman and I struggle severely with genital dysphoria during sex. Do you have any advice?
- My baby was born intersex. Should we have surgery ASAP to make our child "normal"?
- My friend went to a doctor to have a “designer vagina” after she had her last child - and I’m considering doing it too. What are the benefits?
Dr Elna Rudolph
Dr. Elna Rudolph is a Medical Doctor and Sexologist working exclusively in the field of Sexual Medicine for the past ten years.
She has personally treated over 5000 patients suffering with Sexual Pain.
Elna is the founder and Clinical Head of My Sexual Health and
She currently serves as the President of the World Organization for Sexual Health.
She is an accomplished public speaker with regular appearances at events, television, and radio.

- My clitoris is so large that it looks like a small penis and I’m so ashamed of it. What can I do?
- I am non-binary and I’m struggling to know how to use my genitals for pleasure during sex. Please help!
- I’ve heard that it’s wrong to circumcise a baby, but it’s standard in our family and no big deal. What’s your opinion?
- I am a trans-woman considering gender-affirming surgery. Would I still be able to experience pleasure with a neo-vagina
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